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Wired into:
08863, New Jersey See all agencies »

Nixle Wire

  1. Advisory

    Edison Township, NJ

    Entered: 1 day, 2 hours ago

    Road Closure More »

  2. Advisory

    Edison Township, NJ

    Entered: 2 days ago

    Rt 27 at Prospect Ave is back open More »

  3. Advisory

    Edison Township, NJ

    Entered: 3 days, 4 hours ago

    EDISON PD advises RT 1 South is now open. Thank you for your patience. More »

  4. Advisory

    Edison Township, NJ

    Entered: 3 days, 4 hours ago

    EDISON PD advises AVOID RT 1 SOUTH and OLD POST RD due to police activity alt routes Woodbridge Ave or RT 27 More »

  5. Advisory

    Edison Township, NJ

    Entered: 3 days, 5 hours ago

    EDISON PD Advises RT 27 NORTH BOUND from NORTH EVERGREEN RD to HARVEY AVE will be shut down due to an accident More »

  6. Advisory

    Edison Township, NJ

    Entered: 1 week ago

    Rt 1 north at Parsonage Rd is back open More »

  7. Advisory

    Edison Township, NJ

    Entered: 2 weeks ago


  8. Advisory

    Edison Township, NJ

    Entered: 2 weeks, 2 days ago

    There is significant traffic in the area of rt 27 and Vineyard Rd in Edison causing a back up on int 287 north exit 2b use caution. More »

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