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Middle Township PD
Saturday March 30th, 2019 :: 06:13 a.m. EDT


Update on Search For Subjects in Whitesboro

We are currently searching the Whitesboro area for subjects that fled on foot after a motor vehicle pursuit. The pursuit started in Lower Township.  and ended in the area of the Hillside Motel and the subjects fled into the woods.  Officers from our department and Lower Township are currently searching the area of Scott St., Matthews Ave and George St.  If anyone sees any suspicious persons contact our department at 609-465-8700

Update:  The passenger of the vehicle was apprehended.  We were unable to locate the driver..

Middle Township PD
31 Mechanic St
Cape May County, NJ 08210

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 609-465-8700

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