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City of Malibu Emergency Services
Friday June 5th, 2015 :: 09:49 a.m. PDT


AIDS/LifeCycle Event Passing Through Malibu Saturday, June 6

On Saturday, June 6, approximately 2500 cyclists will ride through Malibu as they complete the last day of the AIDS/LifeCycle 2015 charity event. The participants will leave Ventura at 6:30 AM and continue on PCH through Malibu. After a rest stop at Nicholas Canyon Beach, and a lunch stop at Malibu Bluffs Park, riders will continue on PCH toward Santa Monica and their final destination in West Los Angeles.

All participants are advised that obeying traffic laws is mandatory for participation. Motorists, other cyclists, and pedestrians in Malibu are asked to safely share the road with the event cyclists.

Motorists should expect delays throughout the morning and early afternoon.

City of Malibu Emergency Services
23825 Stuart Ranch Rd
Malibu, CA 90265

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 310-456-2489

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