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Harris County Sheriff's Office
Thursday September 5th, 2013 :: 08:15 a.m. CDT


Arrest Photo Of Spring High School Stabbing Suspect.

The arrest photo of 17 year-old Luis Alonzo Alfaro has been released in connection with the fatal stabbing at Spring High School in north Harris County.

The stabbing occurred during a physical altercation between several students in the hallways. During the altercation the suspect produced a knife and fatally stabbed the victim to death and injured 3 other victims. The 3 victims were transported to local hospitals and were treated and released.

The suspect was interviewed by HCSO Homicide Investigators and admitted to the stabbing.

Harris County Sheriff's Office
1200 Baker St
Houston, TX 77002

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 713-221-6000

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