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Santa Ana School Police Department

1601 E Chestnut Ave
Santa Ana, CA 92701

Emergency: 9-1-1

  1. Alert

    Entered: 12 years, 5 months ago

    THIS IS AN EXERCISE: Earthquake/ damage-injuries at multiple school sites. All EOC Personnel report to EOC (PD Briefing Room). EXERCISE.

  2. Advisory

    Entered: 12 years, 5 months ago

    Spurgeon Int. all secure. Lock Down lifted. No injureis. Search of interior building/ grounds/ perimeter revealed no suspect(s).

  3. Advisory

    Entered: 12 years, 8 months ago

    Electrical wires down near Davis Elementary School. Police and fire on scene. Students and staff safe. More »

  4. Advisory

    Entered: 13 years ago

    Lincoln Elementary School lockdown lifted. Area is safe. School Police on scene for dismissal. More »

  5. Advisory

    Entered: 13 years ago

    Lincoln Elementary School on lockdown. Police on scene of a shooting incident in the area. Students safe. More »

  6. Advisory

    Entered: 13 years ago

    Walker/Roosevelt Elementary School lock-down released. Scene secure. More »

  7. Advisory

    Entered: 13 years ago

    School Lock-down: Walker/Roosevelt Elementary. Report of a man with a gun. School Police on scene. More »

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