- Friday July 23rd, 2021 :: 06:45 p.m. PDT
#LASD- Man Arrested For Narcotics Sales In Connection With Venice Homeless Outreach Organization 
Man Arrested for Narcotics Sales in Connection
With Venice Homeless Outreach Organization.
Narcotics Bureau investigators served a two-location search warrant in the Venice area of Los Angles on Thursday, July 22, 2021, after receiving information of a potential narcotics dealer disguising himself as a homeless outreach advocate. The investigation identified that narcotics dealer, Garry Featherstone (11/23/55), had been using a tent to facilitate narcotics sales to the local Venice homeless population and close proximity to the "Venice Bridge Home," a transitional housing location close to his base of operations.
Investigators conducted countless hours of surveillance of Featherstone and saw him complete several hand-to-hand narcotics transactions. Featherstone masquerades as a homeless outreach advocate while supplying homeless individuals with narcotics.
In the afternoon hours of Thursday, July 22, 2021, Investigators conducted the search warrant operation on a tent near 3rd Avenue and Rose Street, as well as a residence in the Venice area, and arrested Featherstone for possession of Phencyclidine (PCP) for sale;11378.5 HS and Possession of Methamphetamine for sale;11378.1 HS. Over 15,000 dollars in U.S. currency was also recovered.
Featherstone, a self-proclaimed homeless advocate operates "Homeless Enterprise" from a tent on 3rd Avenue, where he sells sodas, candy, and other snacks and beverages to the local homeless population. “Homeless Enterprise" is registered with the city of Los Angeles Finance Department.
Sheriff Alex Villanueva said, "This is another clear example of how several people are using the veil of outreach to run criminal enterprises and exploit the already marginalized population of county residents who are experiencing homelessness. It's time for common sense, compassionate regulation of public space. It's time for politicians to stop using the homeless population as a platform and for them to either help law enforcement keep the community safe or get out of the way."
Prepared by:
Sergeant Bob Boese
Sheriff's Information Bureau
211 West Temple Street,
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Website LASD HQ: http://www.lasd.org
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Alex Villanueva, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
LASD - Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept Information Bureau (SIB)
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