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City of Saint Paul, Alaska
Thursday April 1st, 2021 :: 12:00 p.m. AKDT


2021 Saint Paul Island Guide to Social Distancing and Hunkering Down

On March 31, 2021, the Saint Paul Island Unified Command informed the community that an individual performing essential work has tested positive for COVID-19. The individual will completing a 10-day isolation on the island. 
In order to keep our community safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Saint Paul City Council proclaimed an emergency “Hunker Down” today based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations.   Therefore, all residents, except for those engaged in essential health care services, public government services, and essential business activities, are to remain at their place of residence and practice social distancing. Social distancing is defined as maintaining a distance of six feet or greater from any individuals with whom you do not currently reside.
So what do we all need to do to help slow or stop the spread of the coronavirus?

  • Get vaccinated.  The health clinic has 10 vaccines available at this time
  • Stay home, work from home if possible
  • Immediately isolate any family member who is ill
  • Get outside for a walk, hike, hunting, etc. but only when a distance of six or more feet can be maintained between individuals not in the same household
  • Monitor your children playing out in the community
  • Self-isolate for 14-days upon return from essential travel or 10 days if you are fully vaccinated
  • Stay in touch with family and friends using FaceTime, calling often or texting
  • Call the store for grocery delivery for your household during self-isolation periods (no one in the household should go to the store during that period)
  • Visit other people in their homes if you do not live with them (this includes house parties and poker)
  • Provide people rides, unless you have a pick-up truck and they can ride in the back, or if it is an emergency
  • Have weddings, church services, funeral services, graduations
  • Have public or private gatherings that include non-household members
  • Take children to other households for babysitting
  • Leave your house if you are sick or exhibit symptoms
  • Travel for personal business, unless it is an emergency
Exceptions to working and travel have been made for:
  • Healthcare workers
  • Essential government workers
  • Utility (electric, water, sewer, refuse, fuel, internet, telecommunications) operators
  • First responders (police, fire, EMS, emergency dispatchers, court personnel)
  • Grocery store workers
  • Other
For more information on COVID-19 go to: or

City of Saint Paul, Alaska
100 Gorbatch
Saint Paul, AK 99660

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 907-546-3130

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