88 Street Racers Now Facing The Wall At (“The Hill-ton”)Georgia’s Toughest Para-Military Jail! SHERIFF VICTOR HILL 
Reading is fundamental. However, when you drive too fast it is hard to read the warning signs posted at the entrances of Clayton Clayton County giving those intent on breaking the law the warning that it might be wise to turn around. Eighty-eight street racers entering Clayton County last night obviously did not see the posted signs with the gold star badge of the Sheriff warning criminals that they are entering at their own risk.
The 88 street racers that entered Clayton County gathered at the Sam’s Club parking lot on Jonesboro road. Members of Sheriff’s Victor Hill’s elite COBRA Unit, Blackhawk Unit, and Tactical Patrol called Clayton County Police for back up and strategically block off every exit available for the racers and deployed spike strips to flatten their tires if they decided to run. Once closing off all areas of escape, Deputies and Officers went from car to car and arrested all 88 of the street racing crew. Four firearms were seized at least 50 of the vehicles were towed. 16 juveniles were present and the parents of the juvenile offenders were issued tickets when they arrived to pick up their children.
Another street racer in a Gray Dodge Charger Hell Cat found out the hard way that Clayton County does not have a no chase policy. When the suspect later identified as Eric Gallegos (pictured below) tried to run from a Sheriff’s Deputy, he got the bumper of his Hell Cat knocked off in a pitt maneuver executed by the Deputy. Once the Deputy got the tag information identifying the suspect as Eric Gallegos, the pursuit was terminated before they went into a more populated area. Sheriff Victor Hill has given Eric Gallegos until sundown to turn himself in. If Gallegos does not turn himself in by the allotted time, members of the Sheriff’s elite Fugitive Squad will be sent out to bring him in.
Meanwhile, 88 street racers are now facing the wall at Georgia’s toughest para-military jail better known to world as “The-Hill-ton.
The Clayton County Sheriff's Office:
Protecting Clayton County Since 1859
"We defend those who cannot defend themselves"
Core Values
Fight Crime!
To be the best in the world at fighting crime!
Amos 9:1-4
A very special thank you to the Clayton County Police Department for always working with us and having our backs. It was with your help that this operation was a huge success!
Clayton County Sheriff's Office, GA
9157 Tara Blvd
Jonesboro, GA 30236
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 770-477-4479
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