All evacuation orders for Glass Fire now lifted. 
Evacuation order related to the Glass Fire. All evacuation orders for the incident have now been lifted.
In the following areas evacuation orders have been lifted:
Evacuation order lifted for Zone 2Q1:
North of Saint Helena Road
East of Calistoga Road
West of the Napa County line
South of Petrified Forest Road
Evacuation order lifted for Zone 3G1:
South of St. Helena Road
West of the Napa/Sonoma County line
North of Los Alamos / Cleland Ranch Roads
East of Calistoga Road
People returning to these areas are cautioned to drive slowly and safely. As you get closer to your homes and the effected fire areas there may be crews in the area doing repairs to the roadway, power lines and other infrastructure. Plan for up to a one hour delay when getting onto Saint Helena Road as repairs are extensive in this area.
Please follow road signs and flaggers instructions when in the area. Many areas are down to one lane with flaggers in the roadway. Please drive safely and slowly. We want to see everyone get back safely.
You can call 2-1-1 or check if you have any questions. Also, take a look at the interactive evacuation map at and search by address to see the status of your zone.
Sonoma County Sheriff's Office
2796 Ventura Ave
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 707-565-2650