Redwood City Police Department
1301 Maple Street
Redwood City, CA 94063-2766
Voice: 650-780-7100
Fax: 650-780-7155
“Providing Excellent Service with Integrity and Respect”
For Immediate Release
SUBJECT: Arrest in Downtown on Friday, September 25
Media Information
LOCATION: Courthouse Square
Redwood City, CA
DATE/TIME: September 25, 2020, at 5:00 PM
On Friday, September 25, 2020 a local political party hosted an event labeled a “community unity celebration” inside Courthouse Square in Redwood City. No City permit is required for free speech activities such as this event. Police Department personnel were in Downtown Redwood City to ensure the safety of everyone present and to allow everyone to express themselves peacefully.
Prior to the event the Redwood City Police Department became aware of a social media post which called upon individuals to “make good trouble” at the rally in Courthouse Square and “Show up in solidarity. Solidarity means attack.” Shortly before the afternoon start time of the event, the Redwood City Police Department received additional advisories from two San Francisco Bay Area law enforcement agencies who independently reported that counter opposition groups were on their way to Redwood City to disrupt the event.
Shortly after these advisories were received police personnel patrolling the Downtown area noticed a group of 6 - 10 individuals moving about the periphery of the event. This group was not participating in the rally and was not protesting the rally. The group moved freely about the area and their movement was not impeded in any way. The group was later joined by a second smaller group that arrived by vehicle and the combined group continued to move about unimpeded.
Shortly before 5:00 pm a white female, later identified as Jesilyn Faust, was observed walking with a backpack in an active lane of traffic approximately one block away from the rally venue. Her presence in the open roadway impacted at least one vehicle driving in the area. Ms. Faust was not carrying a sign or actively engaged in constitutionally protected activity as she approached the venue on foot and was contacted by police personnel for a California Vehicle Code infraction. Faust was momentarily detained at the scene while the nature of the stop was discussed, however she objected to the detention and was uncooperative. She then began to walk away when she was not free to leave and actively resisted the officer’s efforts to physically detain her.
Ms. Faust was detained on the ground and arrested for obstructing, delaying or resisting a peace officer. She was removed from the scene and taken to a nearby police facility as the investigation continued. A search of the backpack Ms. Faust was carrying led to the discovery of a handheld metal chipping hammer or demolition tool, as well as two cans of spray paint. Based upon the circumstances leading up to and surrounding this law enforcement contact, police personnel believe it was highly likely that the chipping hammer / demolition tool and the spray paint were going to be used to cause property damage and/or possibly harm individuals in the Downtown Redwood City area.
***Updated Information***
Two days prior, on September 23rd, 2020 at approximately 9:00 P.M., a group of protestors gathered at the Thomas Fallon monument in the area of Julian Street and Highway 87 in San Jose, CA. During the gathering the monument was defaced with spray paint and set on fire with an accelerant. As a result of the evidence gathered during Faust’s arrest in Redwood City, the San Jose Police Department was able to positively identify Jesilyn Faust as a suspect in the arson of the Thomas Fallon monument, and a warrant was subsequently issued. On October 2nd, 2020, Faust was arrested and booked into Santa Clara County jail for felony vandalism and arson.
See San Jose PD press release for more details:
Media inquiries can be directed to Lieutenant Casey Donovan at 650-780-7103.
This press release was authorized by Captain John Gunderson.
Redwood City Police Department
1301 Maple St
Redwood City, CA 94063
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 650-780-7100