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Marietta Police Department
Sunday August 23rd, 2020 :: 12:34 p.m. EDT


UPDATE: roadway reopened. (Whitlock Ave closed both directions in front of Kennesaw Memorial Park cemetary. Details:)

A group of car enthusiast were traveling westbound on Whitlock Avenue when for reasons unknown the lead car decided to pass westbound traffic in a no passing zone. Other members of the group followed and an accident occurred just West of the intersection with Dallas Highway Circle.  The motorist who was eastbound, an 84-year-old male, was transported to the hospital with suspected life-threatening injuries. Multiple other vehicles were involved and subsequent accidents.

Traffic investigators are on scene and the roadway is expected to remain closed for at least an hour. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who was involved!

Marietta Police Department
240 Lemon St NE
Marietta, GA 30060

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 770-794-5300

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