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Napa County OES
Monday August 17th, 2020 :: 04:10 p.m. PDT


Evacuation Shelter Open in Napa for Households impacted by Hennessey Fire

Napa County will not lift evacuation orders related to the Hennessey Fire tonight. County Fire will reassess the need for continued evacuation orders tomorrow morning. Individuals and households impacted by the Hennessey Fire and seeking shelter options can visit the County's evacuation shelter at Crosswalk Church. 

Individuals who are seeking shelter are reminded to bring a face covering, practice good hygiene habits, and adhere to physical distancing. The County's shelter will be open only to individuals and households who are impacted by the fire evacuations and an address verification will be in place.

Napa County OES
1195 3rd St
Napa, CA 94559

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 707-299-1892

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