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City of Hoboken, NJ
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 :: 10:38 a.m. EDT


Update from Mayor Bhalla on COVID-19 (7/21)

Below is an update from Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla on COVID-19:

Impact of COVID-19 in Hoboken
The Hoboken Health Department reported the following new COVID-19 cases in Hoboken:
July 18: 0 new, known cases
July 19: 1
July 20: 0
Hoboken has a total of 646 known, new cases with fatalities remaining unchanged at 29.
Hoboken summer streets to launch this Thursday
I’m glad to share that we are partnering with the newly formed Hoboken Business Alliance to launch “Summer Streets,” which is the latest way Hoboken is providing more public spaces for residents to enjoy the outdoors. The Summer Streets pedestrianize select streets and restrict vehicular traffic to assist local businesses and provide more options for residents to dine and shop. I’m confident that this initiative will provide a lift to our local businesses and offer substantial outdoor quality of life benefits for our entire City.
Below is additional information provided by the Hoboken Business Alliance:
Every Summer Streets event will have tables set up throughout the street where local restaurants can take orders and serve guests, and many shops will have items on display outside available for purchase. All attendees are instructed to adhere to social distancing and mask guidelines to stay safe, as well as call ahead for a reservation at any of the local establishments or restaurants, if possible, to avoid overcrowding.
Upcoming Summer Streets include:

  • Downtown Washington Street: Thursday, July 23, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Sunday, July 27, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Washington Street will be open to pedestrians only from 1st Street to 5th Street.
  • Downtown by Hoboken Terminal: Thursday, July 30 from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Sunday, August 2 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Newark Street from Washington Street to River Street, Hudson Place from Hudson Street to the PATH, and both River Street and Hudson Street from Hudson Place to Newark Street will be open to pedestrians only.
  • Uptown 14th Street: Thursday, July 30, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Sunday, August 2, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., 14th Street will be open to pedestrians only from Bloomfield Street to Hudson Street.
  • The City of Hoboken will also open 1st Street from Washington Street to Garden Street to pedestrians only on Friday, July 24, and Saturday, July 25, and every Saturday and Sunday beginning August 1.
Summer Streets, presented by the Hoboken Business Alliance, is part of #GoBoken, the HBA’s citywide initiative encouraging the community to support Hoboken businesses by going out and enjoying all that the Mile Square city has to offer. For more information and the most up-to-date calendar of events, go to or follow Hoboken Business Alliance on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
Yoga and pilates studios permitted to open with face mask requirement

Yesterday, Governor Murphy’s staff followed up with me directly to let me know that our health department can permit yoga and pilates studios to open at 25% capacity indoors, with social distancing of at least six feet at all times. Previously, our legal counsel, Office of Emergency Management and Health Department interpreted the Governor’s Executive Order 157 as preventing yoga and pilates studios from re-opening at 25%. The Governor’s legal counsel advised that yoga and pilates studios that are not considered Health Clubs can re-open at 25% of their current assessed occupancy, as long as social distancing can be observed.

All participants and instructors in the indoor yoga and pilates studios, according to guidelines provided by the Governor’s office, must wear face masks at all times indoors, with exceptions for those under 2 years of age, and unless wearing a mask inhibits your health for a specific reason.

To also facilitate safe, socially distanced outdoor workouts, we are permitting and strongly encouraging yoga and pilates studios, along with all gyms and fitness clubs to continue utilizing City fields and parks. Outdoors, face masks are not required when working out with fitness classes if social distancing of at least six feet is maintained.  
Testing at Riverside
As a reminder, if you’re looking to get a COVID-19 test prior to a certain weekend (for example, a planned trip to see elderly relatives), please call our community Emergency Response Team (CERT) hotline at 201-420-5621 (9 am until 1 pm, Monday through Friday) at least one week in advance to ensure you can receive a test before you leave. Riverside is receiving a high demand for testing, and turnaround time in a day or two is sometimes not possible. Priority for testing is also given to those with COVID-19 symptoms (please let CERT know if you have any) and those who come back from hot spots. Finally, if you are returning from vacation or are concerned about an exposure incident, please keep in mind that a positive COVID-19 result will likely not show up until at least 5-7 days after the exposure. A test before those 5-7 days could result in a false-negative test result.
Basketball courts
With Governor Murphy signing an executive order permitting competition for various sports to resume, including basketball, we are going to temporarily re-open our outdoor basketball courts at Church Square Park and Elysian Park starting Wednesday morning. The following rules and regulations will be in effect:
  • No more than 10 people total on a court at once
  • Everyone who is waiting to play must wear a face mask, and must enter and leave the basketball courts wearing a face mask
  • Everyone should bring their own beverages
  • When coming to practice or shoot around, please bring your own basketball
  • Bring sanitizer, if available to the courts
I ask those playing to please follow these regulations and social distance whenever possible to protect the health and safety of everyone around them.
Thank you,
Ravi S. Bhalla

City of Hoboken, NJ
94 Washington St
Hoboken, NJ 07030

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 201-420-2000

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