Serious Injury Traffic Collision 
Nature of Incident: Serious Injury Traffic Collision
Report Number: 19-95716
Location: Las Posas Road and Crestview Avenue, Camarillo
Date & Time: June 20, 2019 @ 3:03 PM
Unit(s) Responsible: Camarillo Traffic Bureau
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent, City of Residence, Age
(P) Female Adult, Camarillo, 67
(P) Female Adult Camarillo, 55
On June 20, 2019, at approximately 3:03 PM, emergency personnel from the Camarillo Police Department, Ventura County Fire Department, and American Medical Response responded to a traffic collision at the intersection of Los Posas Road and Crestview Avenue in the City of Camarillo. Investigators learned a blue Mercedes Benz sedan was traveling southbound on Crestview Avenue when it collided with a grey Hyundai SUV in the intersection of Las Posas Road. A passenger in the Mercedes Benz was transported to an area hospital with serious injuries. The passenger remains hospitalized in serious condition at this time.
The collision is still under investigation by the Camarillo Police Department’s Traffic Bureau. Anyone who might have witnessed the collision is asked to contact Senior Deputy Shawn Holzberger at 805-388-5146.
Prepared by: Senior Deputy Shawn Holzberger
News Release Date: June 24, 2019
Media Follow-Up Contact: Senior Deputy Shawn Holzberger
[email protected]
Approved by: Captain Shane Matthews
Ventura County Sheriff's Office
800 S Victoria Ave
Ventura, CA 93003
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 805-654-9511