City of Ojai Explorers Host Coffee and Ice Cream with the Chief 
Nature of Incident:
City of Ojai Explorers Host Coffee and Ice Cream with the Chief
Report Number:
Location: Ojai Police Station 402 S. Ventura Street, Ojai
Date & Time: 03/09/2019 @ 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Unit(s) Responsible: Ojai Valley Sheriff’s Station
On March 09, 2019, from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM, the City of Ojai Explorers Post #2501 will be hosting Coffee with the Chief and providing ice cream for donations at the Ojai Police Station (402 South Ventura Street, Ojai). Our goal is to come together as a community, enjoy coffee and ice cream. This is also an opportunity for our Ojai community to meet the newly elected Ventura County Sheriff, William “Bill” Ayub from noon to approximately 1:00 PM.
Donations will assist the Explorers in affording expenses that accrue from attending competitions and the opportunity to purchase new equipment that is needed. The Explorer Program is a group of youth ranging in ages from 14-20 years old. They are committed to volunteering their time with events around Ventura County and raise money through donations and events they host themselves. They compete in competitions locally and across the country, have bi-weekly meetings, learn basic law enforcement tactics, learn how to interact and speak to citizens, learn leadership skills, and gain more confidence in themselves as they grow into adulthood.
Please join on us on Saturday to meet the deputies assigned to the Ojai Police Station along with supporting our Ojai Explorer Post #2501. We will also have the Ojai Station K-9 “Jago” and his handler, Deputy Rodriguez, at the event for a meet and greet! We will be providing Child Print Kits for parents who are interested in having their child’s fingerprints on file in the event they ever go missing or are the victim of a crime. Donations for the print kits are encouraged, but they are free of charge.
Prepared by: Deputy Katie Torres
News Release Date: 03/06/2019
Media Follow-Up Contact: Captain James Fryhoff 805-797-6378
Approved by: Captain James Fryhoff
Ventura County Sheriff's Office
800 S Victoria Ave
Ventura, CA 93003
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 805-654-9511