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Las Cruces Police Department
Friday June 15th, 2018 :: 03:32 p.m. MDT


Police have charged two teens, 16 and 18, who are suspected of damaging the Vietnam War Memorial at Veterans Park.

Charges Filed against Teens Suspected of Vandalizing Vietnam War Memorial

Las Cruces police have charged two teenagers – a 16-year-old boy and an 18-year-old man – who are suspected of damaging the Vietnam War Memorial at Veterans Park.

Marvin Reyes, 18, and a 16-year-old boy are charged with one count each of criminal damage to property. The charges are fourth-degree felony counts.

Shortly after 10 p.m. on May 16, someone called Central Dispatch to report kids or young adults damaging the Vietnam War Memorial at Veterans Park. Las Cruces police officers arrived to find damage to the Huey helicopter that’s mounted high above the park and is part of the Vietnam War Memorial.

Damage to the helicopter included a cracked windshield, a shattered downward vision window and a broken search light. Damages were estimated at more than $5,000.

Investigators received several tips indicated Reyes and the 16-year-old boy were involved in the vandalism.

Investigators contacted the two teens who both acknowledged their involvement in damaging the helicopter. Reyes indicated they both threw rocks at the helicopter before running into an undeveloped property nearby as police arrived on scene.

The teenager was given a Juvenile Class III Citation. Charges against Reyes have been submitted to Magistrate Court.

The two suspects have not been arrested so no booking photos are available. Photo of the Huey courtesy John Burch.

Las Cruces Police Department
217 E Picacho Ave
Las Cruces, NM 88001

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 575-528-4112

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