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LASD - Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept Information Bureau (SIB)
Tuesday November 7th, 2017 :: 11:34 a.m. PST


Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Modifies It's Safe Drug Drop-off Program

The current Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) Safe Drug Drop Off program is being modified, effective immediately.  In the past, the boxes were not manned, and as a result, unauthorized items were often left in the boxes. These items, such as improperly packaged biohazardous sharps (needles) placed in erroneous receptacles, unidentified liquids, and even firearms, created safety concerns for LASD Narcotics Bureau personnel when they would empty the boxes.  Based on these safety issues, the decision was made to remove the boxes and have a one day drug take back event, sponsored by the stations each month.
All existing station drug collection boxes were labeled with a notice of removal and the process of removing the boxes from their current locations has begun.         

All pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs will continue to be collected by station personnel during a monthly take-back event day. Each station will identify one day during the month to provide the public with take back assistance.  On the designated day, deputy personnel will be present to monitor and identify the items being dropped off. There will be no questions asked and no criminal consequence if illicit narcotics are dropped off during the designated dates. This modification is necessary in order to continue to collect and dispose of drugs in a safe manner.       

The sharps/needle box will remain at each of the Sheriff stations and will be monitored by Los Angeles County Department of Public Works personnel.  
Each Sheriff’s Station will have a pre-set schedule identifying the designated dates on their Department website and social media sites (Nixle, Facebook, Twitter). The public may call their local Sheriff’s station for this information. For a list of stations click on the following link:
The public may also dispose of pharmaceuticals at any of the following collection locations:
 **The pharmaceutical disposal kiosks at Walgreens pharmacies, available during regular pharmacy hours (24 hours a day at most kiosk locations).
**The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) regularly offers drug take back events.  Consumers can visit the DEA’s website at the following link:
**California Department of Resources Recycling and Resources Facility Information.
**Department of Public Works, HHW/E-Waste Collection Schedule
For media inquiries please contact Lieutenant Mark Reyes, Narcotics Bureau, at (562)946-7101.
Prepared by:
Guillermina Saldaña, Deputy
Sheriff’s Information Bureau – Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Hall of Justice - First floor 
211 W. Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
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Jim McDonnell, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

LASD - Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept Information Bureau (SIB)
211 W Temple St
Los Angeles, CA 90012

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