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Pleasanton Police Department
Saturday September 16th, 2017 :: 02:41 p.m. PDT


Suspicious circumstance at Chevron on Hopyard Road has been deemed safe, area open.

On September 16th at about 10:15 am the Pleasanton Police Department received a call of a suspicious device in a garbage can at Chevron on Hopyard Road. Officers responded and noticed a device with loose wires, lights and emitting an audible tone. Believing this device could be a potential explosive device, officers evacuated Chevron and established a perimeter. The Alameda County Bomb Squad responded and used their specialized equipment to identify the object as an electronic anti-theft security device. The scene has been deemed safe and Chevron is open for business.

Pleasanton Police Department
4833 Bernal Ave
Pleasanton, CA 94566

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 925-931-5100

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