Excessive Heat Advisory for August 26-30, 2017 with Elevated Fire Danger 
Los Angeles County is expected to experience an extended heat wave over the next several days, to include Burbank and surrounding cities across Southern California and the San Fernando Valley.
A significant warming trend is expected to develop on Saturday, August 26 with temperatures reaching the low triple digits in the valleys and foothills. The National Weather Service has issued an excessive heat watch to commence on Sunday morning, August 27 at 10:00 A.M. PDT lasting until Tuesday evening, August 29, at 10:00 P.M. PDT.
We will experience low humidity levels during this time. The prolonged hot and dry conditions along with very dry brush in our foothills and mountains will likely bring an extended period of elevated fire danger.
Never, ever, leave people or pets inside enclosed vehicles, even for
a short period of time.
Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When
possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or
evening hours.
Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat
stroke. Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when
possible and drink plenty of water.
To reduce risk during outdoor work, the occupational safety and
health administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks
in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by
heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke
is an emergency. If you or someone else is suffering from heat stroke, dial 9-1-1.
Burbank Police Department, California
200 North Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 818-238-3000