- Thursday June 22nd, 2017 :: 01:23 p.m. PDT
Update #LASD Deputy-Involved Shooting, 38500 blk 10th St East, Palmdale 
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Homicide detectives are continuing their investigation into the circumstances surrounding a Deputy-Involved Shooting that occurred on the 38500 block of 10th Street East, Palmdale, on Thursday, June 22, 2017, at approximately 3:47 a.m.
Detectives have learned, Palmdale Station deputies responded to a call for service of “loud music.” When deputies arrived and walked up the driveway, a 60-65 pound pit bull aggressively charged at the deputies and attacked one of them, biting the deputy on his left knee.
At that time, a male Hispanic juvenile came from behind the apartment complex and restrained the pit bull and took the dog to the rear of the apartment complex. Deputies then retreated back onto the street for safety and rendered aid to the injured deputy.
As the deputies were awaiting the arrival of paramedics, the pit bull came from the rear of the apartment and again charged at deputy personnel. At that point, two deputies shot at the pit bull from a five to seven feet distance, at which time, the pit bull retreated back to the rear of the apartment complex into the carport area. Deputies returned to the rear of the complex in an attempt to corral the dog to prevent additional victims.
As deputies walked to the rear carport area, they found a juvenile on the ground suffering from what appeared to be a gunshot wound to the chest. Deputies provided medical aide pending the arrival of paramedics. The juvenile was transported to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.
Preliminary investigation indicated the first six to eight feet where the shooting occurred with the pit bull, there was evidence of skip rounds on the driveway area. Detectives believe when the juvenile came out from behind the building, which was approximately 40 feet away from where the shooting occurred with the dog, the juvenile may have been struck by one of the skip rounds.
The deputy who was bitten by the pit bull, also was hit by a bullet fragment to his right leg. The injured deputy was transported to a local hospital to be treated for his injuries and is listed in stable condition.
Based on the pit bull’s condition, it will be euthanized.
A check of call for service for this location reveals deputies responded at least four times for loud music and gang activity in the past two months.
The investigation is active and ongoing. No additional information available at this time.
Whenever a Deputy Involved Shooting occurs involving Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies and it results in the fatality of a suspect, multiple independent investigations immediately begin at the scene. These include separate investigations by the Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner - Coroner, Sheriff's Homicide Bureau and Internal Affairs Bureau. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department immediately notifies the Office of the Inspector General who sends a representative to the incident scene and provides independent oversight throughout the investigative process. Once concluded, every aspect of the shooting is reviewed by the Sheriff's Executive Force Review Committee. The Office of the Los Angeles County District Attorney also participates in the investigatory process and conducts a legal analysis of the shooting.
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Homicide Bureau at (323) 890-5500. If you prefer to provide information anonymously, you may call "Crime Stoppers" by dialing (800) 222-TIPS (8477), or texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org.
Authored by:
Grace Medrano, Deputy
Sheriff’s Information Bureau – Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Hall of Justice - First floor
211 W. Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
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"If You See Something, Say Something"
LA Crime Stoppers: Partner to prevent or report crime by contacting your local Sheriff’s station. Or if you wish to remain Anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” mobile app for FREE or “P3 Mobile” for the hearing impaired, or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org
Jim McDonnell, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
**Original Press Release**
DATE: Thursday, June 22, 2017
TIME: 3:47 a.m.
LOCATION: 38500 blk 10th St East, Palmdale
UNIT: Homicide Bureau, Lieutenant Moore
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Homicide Bureau detectives are responding to the 38500 block of 10th St East, Palmdale, to investigate the circumstances surrounding a deputy-involved shooting.
The suspect was struck by gunfire and transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.
There is no additional information available at this time.
Whenever a Deputy Involved Shooting occurs involving Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies and it results in the fatality of a suspect, multiple independent investigations immediately begin at the scene. These include separate investigations by the Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner - Coroner, Sheriff's Homicide Bureau and Internal Affairs Bureau. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department immediately notifies the Office of the Inspector General who sends a representative to the incident scene and provides independent oversight throughout the investigative process. Once concluded, every aspect of the shooting is reviewed by the Sheriff's Executive Force Review Committee. The Office of the Los Angeles County District Attorney also participates in the investigatory process and conducts a legal analysis of the shooting.
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Homicide Bureau at (323) 890-5500. If you prefer to provide information anonymously, you may call "Crime Stoppers" by dialing (800) 222-TIPS (8477), or texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org.
Authored by:
Juanita Navarro-Suarez, Deputy
Sheriff’s Information Bureau – Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Hall of Justice - First floor
211 W. Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Website LASD HQ: http://www.lasd.org
Recruitment LASD: http://www.careers.lasd.org
Follow LASD HQ via Text and Email: http://www.Nixle.com
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Alert LA County: Telephone emergency mass notification system
Text & Email, Register for LASD Nixle messages: To receive more detailed, up-to-date information via E-MAIL and/or TEXT directly from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), sign up for "Nixle" alerts at http://www.Nixle.com and register for "LASD – Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept Information Bureau (SIB)" AND your local LASD station area. Or, to receive URGENT TEXT ALERTS ONLY, text your zip code to 888777. Standard text messaging rates may apply depending on your calling plan.
"If You See Something, Say Something"
LA Crime Stoppers: Partner to prevent or report crime by contacting your local Sheriff’s station. Or if you wish to remain Anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” mobile app for FREE or “P3 Mobile” for the hearing impaired, or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org
Jim McDonnell, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
LASD - Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept Information Bureau (SIB)
211 W Temple St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 213-229-1700