- Saturday May 13th, 2017 :: 07:07 a.m. PDT
#LASD - DUI Checkpoint Nets 10 Arrests, on Friday, May 12, 2017, Lancaster 
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Traffic Services Detail conducted a DUI/Driver’s License checkpoint on 05/12/2017, at 3rd Street East and Avenue I, Lancaster, between the hours of 06:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. Checkpoints are placed in locations that have the greatest opportunity for achieving drunk and drugged driving deterrence and provide the greatest safety for officers and the public.
In recent years, California has seen a disturbing increase in drug-impaired driving crashes. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department supports the new effort from the Office of Traffic Safety that aims to educate all drivers that “DUI Doesn’t Just Mean Booze.” If you take prescription drugs, particularly those with a driving or operating machinery warning on the label, you might be impaired enough to get a DUI. Marijuana can also be impairing, especially in combination with alcohol or other drugs, and can result in a DUI.
Studies of California drivers have shown that 30 percent of drivers in fatal crashes had one or more drugs in their systems. A study of active drivers showed more tested positive for drugs that may impair driving (14 percent) than did for alcohol (7.3 percent). Of the drugs, marijuana was most prevalent, at 7.4 percent, slightly more than alcohol.
[511] Vehicles Screened
[1] DUI-Alcohol suspect arrested
[1] DUI-Drug impaired suspect arrested
[0] Suspects arrested for illegal drugs (possession/transportation/sales)
[0] Arrested on other Criminal Charges
[10] Drivers cited/arrested for operating a vehicle unlicensed or while suspended/revoked
[17] Citations issued
Drivers are encouraged to download the Designated Driver VIP, or “DDVIP,” free mobile app for Android or iPhone. The DDVIP app helps find nearby bars and restaurants that feature free incentives for the designated sober driver, from free non-alcoholic drinks to free appetizers and more. The feature-packed app even has social media tie-ins and even a tab for the non-DD to call Uber, Lyft or Curb.
Drivers caught driving impaired can expect the impact of a DUI arrest to include jail time, fines, fees, DUI classes, license suspension and other expenses that can exceed $10,000 not to mention the embarrassment when friends and family find out.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will be conducting other DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoints and DUI Saturation Patrols in the future in our ongoing commitment to lowering deaths and injuries upon our streets and highways.
The checkpoint was funded by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, reminding everyone to ‘Report Drunk Driver – Call 9-1-1’.
AS A DRIVER, PLAN AHEAD WITH THESE TIPS: Arrange rides home for your friends, family, co-workers and yourself before the drinking begins Identify and provide free non-alcoholic drinks or other promotional items to the Designated Driver Party hosts and servers must limit drinks to your guests or patrons. Don’t serve more than one or two over several hours. Cut back on the amount of drinks you plan to bring to the party – and provide plenty of food.
MEDIA NOTES: To schedule an interview regarding the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Traffic Safety Operations, please contact Sergeant Robert L. Hill at 323-890-5400 or via email at [email protected] and Detective Matthew Davis, Lancaster Station at 661-948-8466
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Jim McDonnell, Sheriff Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department all of Justice - First floor
LASD - Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept Information Bureau (SIB)
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Los Angeles, CA 90012
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