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Dearborn Police Department
Thursday November 17th, 2016 :: 07:35 p.m. EST


Police, fire encourage families with special needs to register in case of emergency. See email/web message for more.

Police, fire encourage families with
special needs to register in case of emergency
Public safety reaching out to best serve all Dearborn citizens
            Dearborn, Mi. —  In an effort to improve service to Dearborn residents with family members with mental health issues or intellectual or physical impairments, the Police and Fire departments have initiated a program so that these special needs can be registered in advance, in case an emergency occurs.
Called the Special Needs 911 Registry, this voluntary program allows residents or family members to alert public safety responders that individuals with special needs live in their home.
Among the conditions that may mean special care is needed from public safety responders are autism, Alzheimer’s disease, Down syndrome, and physical disabilities. 
The Special Needs 911 Registry form can be found on the City of Dearborn’s website at this link
You can type “disabilities” into the search box on the website as well.
Registration forms can also be obtained and submitted at the front desk of the Police Department, 16099 Michigan Ave.
Police, fire and EMS staff can be more equipped to serve people with special needs if helpful information is known before they arrive at a scene. It also enhances the safety for all residents.
            Chief Ronald Haddad added, “The life-saving information contained in this registry will better prepare our First Responders to help our special-needs community in the event of an emergency.”

Dearborn Police Department
16099 Michigan Ave
Dearborn, MI 48126

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 313-943-2240

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