Board of State and Community Corrections voted to authorize a conditional award of $50,013,000 to County of SB 
On June 9, 2016, the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) voted to authorize a conditional award of $50,013,000 to the County of San Bernardino under the Adult Local Criminal Justice Facilities Construction Financing Program. This financing program was created by Senate Bill 863.
The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department submitted the request for SB 863 funds to improve two minimum security housing units at the Glen Helen Rehabilitation Center (GHRC). GHRC was built in 1960 and the housing units have not been significantly altered since that time. This remodeling project will modernize the units while making them accessible to offenders with disabilities. New spaces will be created to support the delivery of evidenced-based educational, vocational, and cognitive behavior therapy programs conducive to reducing recidivism. Existing medical and mental health treatment spaces will be expanded and improved to facilitate service delivery to offenders within the units.
This project will assist the Sheriff’s Department in its continuing effort to provide programs to equip adult offenders with the tools required for successful reintegration back into the community upon release. Programs currently offered by the Sheriff’s Department include, but are not limited to, an individually customized high school diploma program, parenting classes, culinary and bakery arts, anger management, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, construction basics, custodial arts, and computer skills. Completion of this remodeling project will allow the Department to deliver an even greater variety of programs to offenders with improved efficiency and effect.
Refer: Public Affairs
Phone: (909)387-3700
SBSD - Headquarters
655 E 3rd St
San Bernardino, CA 92408
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 909-387-3700