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Fremont Police Department (CA)
Monday January 11th, 2016 :: 11:07 a.m. PST


Now Recruiting Teen Police Explorers

The Fremont Police Department is currently accepting applications for the teen Explorer Program.

The Explorer Program is a fun and safe way for teenagers to learn more about the field of law enforcement and get community service hours. Explorers donate between 5-20 volunteer hours each month by participating in a number of department activities including: ride-alongs, traffic control, building tours and special events. All new Explorers are required to attend a one-week Explorer Academy in southern California (August 6-13, 2016).

If you are between the age of 14 - 18 and think that you might be interested in learning more about becoming a Police Explorer or having a future career in law enforcement, please visit the Department's Explorer Volunteer web-page at

Applications will be accepted through February 11, 2016, or when a sufficient number are received.


Kristen Escamilla

CSO #13538 / Volunteer Administrator


Fremont Police Department (CA)
2000 Stevenson Blvd
Fremont, CA 94538

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 510-790-6800

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