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Indiana State Police-Pendleton District 51-Pendleton, IN
Saturday October 17th, 2015 :: 09:18 a.m. EDT


Three Workers Injured in Construction Zone Crash


Wayne County – Three Milestone Paving Company workers were injured on I-70 this morning, just before 8 a.m., when the pickup they were in drove into an unmarked hole in the highway.  The pickup, which was pulling a flatbed trailer loaded with construction supplies, was driving eastbound between the 140 and 141 mile markers, inside the barrels of a construction zone when the crash occurred.

As the truck drove on east I-70 in the blocked off and closed left lane, it drove into an unmarked hole that was approximately 12 feet wide and three feet deep in the highway. The section of highway had been dug up earlier by workers and left unmarked. It was daylight at the time of the crash.

The driver of the pickup truck, Jack Jenkins, age 53 of Richmond, was transported to Reid Memorial Hospital in Richmond, along with passengers Bobby Walker, age 52 of Muncie, and Gerardo Rodriguez, age 41 of Anderson, with non-life threatening injuries.

First Sergeant Kyle Hankins, who investigated the crash, was within a mile of the crash when it occurred working special construction zone project.  He was assisted at the scene by Troopers Aaron Edwards and William Hertel



Indiana State Police-Pendleton District 51-Pendleton, IN
9022 Indiana 67
Pendleton, IN 46064

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 765-778-2121

John Bowling
Public Information Sergeant, Pendleton District 51
[email protected]

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