- Wednesday August 12th, 2015 :: 05:45 p.m. PDT
#LASD Pico Rivera Station DUI / CDL Checkpoint, City of Pico Rivera, planned for August 15, 2015. 
Drive Sober & Choose Your Ride Home
Driving Under the Influence / Driver’s License (DUI/CDL) Checkpoints are conducted by deputies with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department on a regular basis.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Pico Rivera Station will be conducting a DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint on August 15, 2015, at an undisclosed location within the City of Pico Rivera, between the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
The deterrent effect of DUI checkpoints is a proven resource in reducing the number of persons killed and injured in alcohol or drug involved crashes. Research shows that crashes involving an impaired driver can be reduced by up to 20 percent when well-publicized DUI checkpoints and proactive DUI patrols are conducted routinely.
In California, this deadly crime led to 802 deaths in 2012 because someone failed to designate a sober driver. Nationally, the latest data shows nearly 10,000 were killed by an impaired driver. “Over the course of the past three years in the contract cities policed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, DUI collisions have claimed 33 lives and resulted in 898 injury crashes harming 1330 of our friends and neighbors,” said Sgt. Daniel A. Dail of Traffic Services Detail.
Deputies will be looking for signs of alcohol and/or drug impairment with officers checking drivers for proper licensing delaying motorists only momentarily. When possible, specially trained officers will be available to evaluate those suspected of drug-impaired driving. Recent statistics reveal that 30 percent of drivers in fatal crashes had one or more drugs in their systems. A study of active drivers showed more tested positive for drugs that may impair driving (14 percent) than did for alcohol (7.3 percent). Of the drugs, marijuana was most prevalent, at 7.4 percent, slightly more than alcohol.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), checkpoints have provided the most effective documented results of any of the DUI enforcement strategies, while also yielding considerable cost savings of $6 for every $1 spent. Nearly 90 percent of California drivers approve of DUI checkpoints.
DUI Checkpoints are placed in locations based on collision statistics and frequency of DUI arrests affording the greatest opportunity for achieving drunk and drugged driving deterrence. Locations are chosen with safety considerations for the officers and the public.
Drivers caught driving impaired can expect the impact of a DUI arrest to include jail time, fines, fees, DUI classes, other expenses that can exceed $10,000 not to mention the embarrassment when friends and family find out.
Funding for these operations is provided to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety http://www.ots.ca.gov/ through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration http://www.nhtsa.gov/, reminding everyone to ‘Report Drunk Driver – Call 9-1-1.
Coordinated by:
Detective Jose Marquez
Pico Rivera Sheriff Station
Sergeant Daniel A. Dail
Traffic Services Detail
Risk Management Bureau
Professional Standards Division
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
(323) 890-5400
Arrange rides home for your friends, family, co-workers and yourself before the drinking begins
Identify and provide free non-alcoholic drinks or other promotional items to the Designated Driver
Party hosts and servers must limit drinks to your guests or patrons. Don’t serve more than one or two over several hours.
Cut back on the amount of drinks you plan to bring to the party – and provide plenty of food.
MEDIA NOTES: To schedule an interview regarding the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Traffic Safety Operations, please contact Sergeant Daniel A. Dail at 323-890-5400 or via email at [email protected].
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LASD - Pico Rivera Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
6631 Passons Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 562-949-2421