Davis Police Investigate Swastikas Painted on Jewish Fraternity as Hate Crime 
On 1/31/15, at approximately 1018 hours, Davis Police responded to the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity in regards to a vandalism report. The AEPI is a off campus Jewish Fraternity affiliated with UC Davis,
Members of the fraternity found two swastikas painted near the back door and side door to the fraternity house. The swastikas were 1"x1" and 3'x3' respectively, and were placed on the building using red paint.
Residents believe the crime occurred between 0200 hours and 0950 hours.
Anyone with information regarding this crime is encouraged to call Davis Police Department, (530) 747-5400.
Reference case 15-0511
City of Davis Police
2600 Fifth Street
Davis , CA 95617
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 530-747-5400
Tom Waltz
[email protected]