- Monday August 4th, 2014 :: 02:37 p.m. PDT
*UPDATE 2* PICTURES of 24-yr-old Suspect Ramirez- Standoff with #LASD Deputies, 9000 blk Rosehedge Drive, Pico Rivera 
*Update 2*
Pictures of Suspect Ramirez and Wanted Flyer with Crime Summary. The pictures of the AR-15 High Powered Rifle, 9mm semi automatic pistol and stolen car are from an incident that occured on July 22, 2014. The other pictures of Suspect Ramirez were recovered through criminal investigations.
Prepared by:
Public Information Officer Nicole Nishida
(323) 810-1973
**********************Orginal Update*******************************
Date: Friday, August 1, 2014
Time: 5:30PM
Location: 9000 block Rosehedge Drive, Pico Rivera
Victim: 54-yr-old man (deceased), 60-yr-old woman
Suspect: Cedric Ramirez H/24 (deceased)
Unit: Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau (Lt. Corina)
Sheriff’s Homicide Detectives are continuing their investigation into the circumstances surrounding the deputy-involved shooting that occurred in the 9000 block Rosehedge Drive, Pico Rivera.
Detectives have learned that the suspect, 24-year-old, Cedric Ramirez, a resident of Pico Rivera, was a parolee at large, wanted for two felony warrants, Ex-felon In Possession of a Firearm and Taking a Vehicle Without the Owner’s Consent. When deputies initially located him at a residence in the 9000 block of Reichling Avenue, Pico Rivera, he fled the location on foot in an attempt to evade the deputies.
He entered the backyard of the victims’ residence where he exchanged gunfire with the deputies. Ramirez then broke into the victims’ home through a window and, in an attempt by the deputies to get the residents out of the home, a second exchange of gunfire occurred and the male victim was hit by gunfire. The deputies rescued the 54-year old victim who was slumped over in the doorway, but he succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene.
Ramirez then barricaded himself in the house, taking the 60-yr-old woman as a hostage. After an extended standoff, a Special Enforcement Bureau, special weapons team, entered the location which ended with the fatal shooting of the suspect; he was pronounced dead at the scene.
The special weapons team rescued the 60-year-old woman and she was taken to a local hospital and examined. She did not suffer any injuries.
Ramirez’s firearm was recovered at the location.
There is no further information at this time and the investigation is ongoing.
Whenever an Officer-Involved Shooting occurs involving Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies, and it results in a fatality of a suspect, multiple independent investigations immediately begin at the scene. These include separate investigations by the Offices of the L.A. Co. District Attorney and the L.A. Co. Coroner, in addition to Sheriff's Homicide Bureau and Internal Affairs Bureau. Attorneys with the Los Angeles Office of Independent Review also respond to the scene, and have full access to the facts known to the sheriff's department throughout every phase of these thorough investigations. Once concluded, every aspect of the shooting is reviewed by the Sheriff's Executive Force Review Committee.
Written by:
Deputy Guillermina Saldana
Deputy Grace Medrano
Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau - Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau - Newsroom
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"If You See Something, Say Something"
LA Crime Stoppers: Partner to prevent or report crime by contacting your local Sheriff’s station. Or if you wish to remain Anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org
John L. Scott, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
*** Original Press Release***
Incident: Deputy Involved Shooting/Barricaded Suspect
Date/Time: Friday, August 1, 2014, Approx. 5:30PM
Loc: 9000 Rosehedge Drive, Pico Rivera
Susp: Armed Male Adult
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Special Enforcement Bureau, Special Weapons Team personnel are on scene at the 9000 block of Rosehedge Drive, Pico Rivera, to assist Pico Rivera Station personnel with a deputy involved shooting, where the suspect who is possibly armed has barricaded himself with a female hostage at the location.
It is unknown if the suspect is injured.
There is no more information available at this time.
Whenever an Officer-Involved Shooting occurs involving Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies, and the suspect(s) is not wounded, multiple investigations immediately begin at the scene. These include separate investigations by the Sheriff's Internal Affairs Bureau as well as Sheriff's station or Detective Division investigators. Attorneys with the Los Angeles Office of Independent Review also respond to the scene, and have full access to the facts known to the sheriff's department throughout every phase of these thorough investigations. Once concluded, every aspect of the shooting is reviewed by the Sheriff's Executive Force Review Committee.
Authored by:
Deputy Guillermina Saldana
Deputy Lillian Peck
Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau - Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.lasd.org
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"If You See Something, Say Something"
LA Crime Stoppers: Partner to prevent or report crime by contacting your local Sheriff’s station. Or if you wish to remain Anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org
John L. Scott, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
LASD - Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept Information Bureau (SIB)
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