- Tuesday April 29th, 2014 :: 01:07 p.m. PDT
(UPDATE) Deputy-Involved Shooting, 100 Block North Gage Avenue, East LA, #LASD Homicide/ELA Station 
(UPDATE) Deputy-Involved Shooting, 100 Block North Gage Avenue, East LA, #LASD Homicide/ELA Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Homicide Detectives are continuing their investigation regarding a deputy-involved shooting that occurred in the 100 block of North Gage Avenue, in East Los Angeles, at approximately 4:15AM.
Detectives have learned that deputies from East Los Angeles Station responded to the location regarding a call of a “gunshot victim.” When they arrived, they discovered a female victim suffering from a gunshot wound. The victim was transported to a local hospital where her condition is stable.
During their initial assessment of the crime scene, the deputies were fired upon by a male suspect. No deputies were hit and an immediate containment was made to locate the suspect. The victim’s two children, ages 4 and 1, were removed from the location for their safety.
The suspect, male-Hispanic, 26-years-old, later made himself known, in front of the location, holding a handgun in his right hand and a cell phone in his left hand. The suspect brazenly held the firearm and refused to put it down, which lead to a stand-off with deputy personnel.
LASD Special Enforcement Bureau personnel responded, and as they attempted to gain compliance from the suspect, he wielded the weapon in a threatening manner toward the deputies, at which time a deputy-involved shooting occurred.
The suspect was struck by gun fire and was pronounced dead at the scene.
There is no further information at this time.
Whenever an Officer-Involved Shooting occurs involving Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies, and it results in a wounding, multiple independent investigations immediately begin at the scene. These include separate investigations by the Office of the Los Angeles District Attorney and the Los Angeles County Coroner, as well as investigations by Sheriff's Homicide Bureau and Internal Affairs Bureau. Attorneys with the Los Angeles Office of Independent Review also respond to the scene, and have full access to the facts known to the Sheriff's Department throughout every phase of these investigations. Once concluded, every aspect of the shooting is reviewed by the Sheriff's Executive Force Review Committee.
Crystal Hernandez, Deputy
Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau - Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
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John L. Scott, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
****Original Message****
DATE: Tuesday April 29, 2014
TIME: 4:15 am
LOCATION: 100 block of North Gage Avenue, East Los Angeles
SUSPECT: male adult
UNIT: Homicide Bureau (Lieutenant Corina)
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Homicide detectives are en route to the 100 block of North Gage Avenue, East Los Angeles, to investigate the circumstances surrounding a Deputy Involved hit Shooting.
The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. No Deputies were injured.
A weapon was recovered at the scene.
There is no additional information available.
Whenever an Officer-Involved Shooting occurs involving Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies, and it results in a wounding, multiple independent investigations immediately begin at the scene. These include separate investigations by the Office of the Los Angeles District Attorney and the Los Angeles County Coroner, as well as investigations by Sheriff's Homicide Bureau and Internal Affairs Bureau. Attorneys with the Los Angeles Office of Independent Review also respond to the scene, and have full access to the facts known to the Sheriff's Department throughout every phase of these investigations. Once concluded, every aspect of the shooting is reviewed by the Sheriff's Executive Force Review Committee.
Crystal Hernandez, Deputy
Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau - Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.lasd.org
LASD HQ Text and Emails: http://www.Nixle.com
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