EPD teaming up with neighborhoods to create local nextdoor.com social media network
Beginning Thursday, April 3rd, you can join the Evansville Police Department on Nextdoor.com
Nextdoor is the free and private social network for neighborhoods. On Nextdoor, neighbors create websites for their neighborhoods where they can ask questions, get to know one another, exchange local advice, and share important safety information.
Tens of thousands of neighborhoods are already using Nextdoor to do the following:
• Find trustworthy local resources, such as babysitters, plumbers and dentists
• Communicate with neighbors and police about suspicious activity and safety concerns
• Organize neighborhood events, such as garage sales and block parties
• Get assistance to find lost pets and missing packages
• Promote items for sale/free and inquire about items for purchase.
To join your private neighborhood social network, please visit www.nextdoor.com to get started.
You can also contact the Crime Prevention Unit at 435-6135 for more information.
Evansville Police Department
15 Northwest Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard
Evansville, IN 47708
Emergency: 9-1-1