Mayor and City Council Will Honor a Community Member as an Exceptional Citizen at Tonight’s City Council Meeting 
SANTA ANA, CA (April 1, 2014) - The Santa Ana Mayor and City Council will recognize Rev. Louis Victor Carlson, Jr. at tonight’s city council meeting for his distinguished service and accomplishments within the Santa Ana community.
Rev. Louis Victor Carlson, Jr. moved to Southern California in 1985 and currently lives in Santa Ana. He began ministering at the Santa Ana First Assembly of God Church where he taught adult Bible classes for 28 years and continues to perform weddings, memorial services throughout Southern California. Rev. Carlson is the Chairman Emeritus of the Ambassadors program for the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce and participated in many “Grand Opening” ceremonies for Santa Ana Businesses.
For more details regarding the notable accomplishments of Rev. Louis Victor Carlson, Jr., please come to tonight’s city council meeting or visit,, to see it streamed live on the web.
City of Santa Ana
20 Civic Center Plaza
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 714-647-5400