- Tuesday March 18th, 2014 :: 05:24 p.m. PDT
Sheriff’s Headquarters Barbecue Patio Area Officially Named 
In a symbolic, yet important, gesture for the employees of the Sheriff’s Department, Sheriff Scott asked everyone who works at the Headquarters in Monterey Park to submit names for the patio located at the rear of the building. It previously gained the reputation as an area used for cigar smoking by exclusive patrons. Since then, Sheriff Scott declared the area accessible to all employees, reminded them that smoking is not permitted there and held a contest to name it.
Rachelle Jackson, Contract Program Manager, Administrative and Training Division, had the winning entry with the “Terrace Grill.” For her winning suggestion, she will be personally thanked by Sheriff Scott and will have the privilege of parking in his parking space for one full month. Sheriff Scott is very grateful to all the participants who enthusiastically took part in the contest.
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John L. Scott, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
LASD - Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept Information Bureau (SIB)
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