- Thursday February 27th, 2014 :: 06:00 a.m. PST
*Media Advisory*LASD, LAPD & USC Hold Inaugural Cyber Investigation Cert Graduation Ceremony-Thurs.Feb.27 1:45pm 
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s, LAPD and USC to Hold Inaugural Cyber Investigation Certificate Course Graduation Ceremony
40 Detectives will graduate from LASD and LAPD
Who: Dr. Winnie Callahan, University of Southern California; Detective Division Chief William J. McSweeney, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and Deputy Chief Michael Moore, Los Angeles Police Department.
What: The Los Angele County Sheriff’s Department Fraud and Cyber Crimes Bureau, Los Angeles Police Department, and University of Southern California have partnered to present a five-course certificate program in Basic Cyber Crime Investigation. Twenty Sheriff’s Detectives and twenty LAPD Detectives will graduate tomorrow.
This state-of-the-art program is designed to provide detectives the skills and knowledge needed to handle basic cybercrime investigations to conclusion. It includes the following: Basic Technology and Cyber Security Basics; Cyber Crime Categories and Overview; Law Enforcement Response to Crimes Involving a Cyber Element; Introduction to Cyber Law and Policy; and Practical Application and Student Testing (Final Exam). It is believed that this program/partnership is the first of its type in the United States.
University of Southern California Dr. Winnie Callahan will officiate the graduation and will be joined by other distinguished guests.
When: Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 1:45 p.m.
Automobile Club of Southern California‘s Los Angeles Headquarters.
2601 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, California 90007
For further information, contact Lieutenant Mark Stevens, Fraud & Cyber Crimes Bureau, at (562) 347-2602 or Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau at (323) 267-4800.
Prepared by:
Public Information Officer Nicole Nishida
(323) 810-1973
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John L. Scott, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
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