SLPD Graduates its 2013-14 Citizen Police Academy Class 
On Wednesday, January 29th, the San Leandro Police Department celebrated the graduation of 25 community members who successfully completed a 13-session Citizen Police Academy. Beginning in October, Academy participants attended more than 40 hours of training in a variety of classes hosted on a weekly basis, learning about the law enforcement profession and the San Leandro Police Department’s role in its community.
The concept of a Citizen Police Academy first began in 1977 in England. The first class in the United States started in Orlando, FL in 1985. Several years ago, San Leandro began to offer the program to its community and business leaders, which has proven to be a very successful community outreach program.
“The Academy gives us an opportunity to educate our community about SLPD’s daily operations. While showcasing our Department and employees, we also have the opportunity to broaden people’s perspectives, while continuing to build strong partnerships with our community,” said Lt. Robert McManus, the class facilitator.
Some of the training classes included: the selection and hiring of employees, the 9-1-1 communications center, patrol and investigative procedures, crime prevention and community outreach programs, ethics in law enforcement, volunteer programs, firearms demonstrations and tactical operations. Academy participants learned through practical demonstrations, lectures and discussions, presented by SLPD personnel.
Joseph Licari spoke on behalf of the graduating class about his experiences in the Citizen Academy. “SLPD gets it. They engage our community through many outreach programs.” He described the employees as, “a diverse professional team, all of whom foster a tight knit community within San Leandro.” In closing, Licari stated, “Thank you to the members of our class. You are the reason why my family calls San Leandro home.”
Chief Sandra Spagnoli praised the graduates for their dedication and commitment and for taking the time to learn about their police department. She stated, “The continued involvement of the San Leandro community is one of the main reasons why I enjoy serving as your Police Chief. I look forward to continuing to build partnerships with our community through programs like this. They are effective in reducing crime in San Leandro, making this community safer for everyone.”
The San Leandro Police Department is currently accepting applications for this year’s class, which is scheduled for the fall of 2014. For more information, please visit the City’s website at:
Please contact the San Leandro Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Division with any information regarding any case at 510-577-3230 or contact the Anonymous Tip Line at 510-577-3278.
Citizens can also send an anonymous tip to San Leandro Police Department by texting the word SLPD and their tip to 847411.
Anonymous web tips can be submitted from the Police Department’s website at\
For crime prevention tips please go to the Police Department’s website at or contact PSA Sandy Colwell at 510-577-3248.
Citizens play a critical role in creating a safe environment by observing and reporting any suspicious and criminal activity to the Police. The San Leandro Police Department recommends that citizens do not participate in any direct verbal or physical involvement with suspicious persons or those who are committing crimes. The personal safety of the community is paramount. We encourage the San Leandro community to record the details of what they observe and to report those details to the Police. This type of community involvement and partnership has proven to be a very effective crime prevention tool. Citizens act as the eyes and ears of the community first, and the extended eyes and ears of the San Leandro Police Department. Thank you for being a force multiplier in our efforts to provide professional police services and safety to the community.
San Leandro Police Department
901 E 14th St
San Leandro, CA 94577
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 510-577-2740
TEXT-A-TIP - Text TIP SLPOLICE followed by your message, to 888777