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LAPD - Van Nuys Area
Monday December 16th, 2013 :: 06:59 p.m. PST


Burglary prevention tips for the Holiday Season

Burglary prevention tips for the Holiday Season

• Take the time to trim back any bushes or trees that block visibility through your house. Check all of the entryways into your home (windows and doors) to make sure that they are locked and secure. Secure any sliding glass doors with a lock and a dowel in the door track.

• If your home is equipped with an alarm system, make sure that you and your family are using it. Studies show that alarm systems and visible advertisements (stickers, lawn signs) are some of the best deterrents against burglars.

• If leaving your home for several hours find ways to make your house look occupied by placing interior and exterior lights on timers or leaving on a radio or T.V.

• Exterior holiday lights do more than make your house look festive: they also light up the areas around windows and doors where burglars may lurk.

• Retain the receipts for all major purchases in a safe place. If possible, record the serial number of the property on the corresponding receipt or in another list for safekeeping. In the event that these items do get stolen, this record will maintain proof of the purchase and aid police in tracking down the stolen item.

• Be cautious about solicitors, especially during this time of year. A stop at your doorway may provide them the chance to scope the inside of your house for valuable items and map the layout for a later return.

• If ordering items to be delivered to the house, schedule them to be delivered at time when you will be home and able to accept the package. Large packages left on doorsteps are susceptible to thieves passing through the neighborhood.

• Many people love to display a brightly-lit Christmas tree with gifts around the base. If visible through a window or doorway, this can be tempting for burglars scouting the neighborhood. Reconsider hiding the gifts in a secure place and placing them under the tree at the last minute.

• Don't announce your new high-dollar purchases after the holidays. Break down the boxes of TVs, stereos, computers, etc. to fit inside of your trashcan. If possible, stagger the times that these boxes are placed in the trash.

• Don't advertise any trips away from your home or travel plans on online social networking sites. Broadcasting your absences let people know that your house is unoccupied and vulnerable. Make sure that your children are doing the same and that they are careful about discussing travel plans with friends.

LAPD - Van Nuys Area
6240 Sylmar Ave
Los Angeles, CA 91401

Emergency: 9-1-1

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