- Saturday November 30th, 2013 :: 07:00 a.m. PST
#LASD Homicide Assisting Azusa Police Department With Officer-Involved Shooting
#LASD Homicide Assisting Azusa Police Department With Officer-Involved Shooting 
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Homicide Bureau detectives are investigating the circumstances surrounding an Azusa Police Department officer-involved shooting that occurred Friday, November 29, 2013, in the 700 block of East Alosta Avenue, Azusa.
Detectives have learned that officers with the Azusa Police Department attempted to conduct a traffic stop on a suspected drunk driver shortly before 9:30 PM. The driver neglected to yield and evaded officers for a brief time. Officers were able to relocate the vehicle and the driver finally yielded. Immediately upon stopping his car, the male Hispanic adult suspect exited armed with a handgun and began to walk away from officers.
As assisting units arrived, the suspect failed to comply with orders and turned towards officers with the handgun in hand, at which time the officer-involved shooting occurred.
The suspect was struck by gunfire several times in the torso area. He was pronounced dead at the scene. A handgun was recovered from the suspect.
No officers were injured.
There is no further information available at this time.
Whenever an Officer-Involved Shooting occurs, multiple independent investigations immediately begin at the scene. These include separate investigations by the Los Angeles County District Attorney and the Sheriff's Homicide Bureau.
Authored by:
Kim Manatt, Deputy
Peter Gomez, Deputy
Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau - Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Email: [email protected]
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Leroy D. Baca, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
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