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City of Ann Arbor
Friday October 4th, 2013 :: 07:54 p.m. EDT


Missing Person from Ypsilanti Twp - Jeremy Williams

Williams walked away from his group home on 10-3-13 around 8:00 in the area of Michigan Avenue and Harris Road in Ypsilanti Township. Williams suffers from moderate to severe developmental disabilities. He is somewhat verbal and can identify himself as “Jeremy”, but is described as having the mental abilities of a two year old child. Williams is described as having a friendly demeanor, but appeared upset when he left his group home.
Williams was last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, gray jeans, and black shoes. A person familiar with Williams believed he saw him earlier today (10-4-13) in the area of Michigan Avenue near Beck Road in Canton Township. Williams has no cellular phone, money, or other resources, and would likely be unable to find his way home on his own.
If Williams is located, please notify Washtenaw Metro Dispatch immediately at 734-994-2911

City of Ann Arbor
301 E Huron St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 734-794-6320

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