- Friday September 13th, 2013 :: 03:32 p.m. PDT
(Media Availability) 63 Inmates Sign Letter Thanking LASD Deputy For Saving Life of Choking Cellmate 
**Deputy Aufdemberg will be available for media interviews Friday (9/13/13) from 4:00pm – 6:00pm at Century Regional Detention Facility, 11705 S. Alameda Street, Lynwood, CA 90262.**
Inmates were eating their dinner Thursday evening at Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF) when Deputy Kristen Aufdemberg noticed an inmate who appeared to be choking on her food and having difficulty breathing.
Deputy Aufdemberg immediately ran towards the inmate and saw the inmate’s face turning bluish-gray as she struggled to breathe.The deputy began administering life-saving treatment to the choking inmate. She stood behind the inmate, wrapped her arms around the inmate’s waist, and made several quick inward and upward thrusts into the inmate’s stomach area. After several attempts, the food stuck in the inmate’s throat became dislodged, freeing her airway and allowing her to breathe again.
Los Angeles County Jail medical professionals responded immediately to the housing module and provided additional medical treatment. The inmate was medically cleared and is in good condition.
63 inmates who witnessed the life-saving actions of Deputy Aufdemberg signed a note thanking her for saving the life of their cellmate. A copy of the thank you letter will be made available to the media.
Deputy Aufdemberg is a one-year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. She was trained and certified in the Heimlich maneuver during First Aid classes at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Academy.
The Century Regional Detection Facility of the Los Angeles County Jail System houses women jail inmates.
For more information contact Lieutenant Rhodes, Century Regional Detention Facility, at 323-568-4506
LEARN CPR, SAVE A LIFE (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation)
For more information contact, Lieutenant Rhodes, Century Regional Detention Facility at 323-568-4506
American Heart Association
American Red Cross
Education Based Incarceration (EBI) in the Los Angeles County Jail System: The Role of Education-Based Incarceration. Changing the Way We Incarcerate. EBI focuses on reducing and mitigating crime by investing in its offenders through education and rehabilitation.
Website: http://www.EBI.lasd.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EBILASD
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