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Garland County Sheriff's Department
Sunday July 28th, 2013 :: 02:50 p.m. CDT


Derrick Estell w/m 33 yo escaped from G.C. Det Center at app 1:40pm and should be considered armed and dangerous.

Derrick Estell w/m 33 years of age escaped from the Garland County Detention Center at approximately 1:40pm this afternoon, in an apparent elaborate plan, with an unknown female picking him up. Details are very limited at this time, however Deputy Hinojosa will update as soon as possible.

Estell and his accomplice(s) should be considered to be armed, dangerous and extremely aggressive. Anyone coming into contact with them should use extreme caution, notify local law enforcement immediately and refrain from trying to detain them.

Additional information will follow as soon as it is available.

Garland County Sheriff's Department
525 Ouachita Ave
Hot Springs, AR 71901

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 501-622-3660

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