LAPD Valley Trafffic Div 
Drunk driving is one of the most serious and preventable dangers we face on our streets. According to the national highway traffic safety administration, the death toll from impaired driving collisions is higher between Christmas and New Year’s Eve because party-goers chose to drink and then drive.
Each year on average, someone is killed by impaired driver in the United States every 50 minutes and someone is injured every minute. Los Angeles police officers last year arrested approximately 9,288 impaired drivers nearly 2000 of those arrests were made in the San Fernando Valley.
During this same time period, there were approximately 2278 collisions involving impaired drivers in Los Angeles, which approximately 960 were arrested in San Fernando Valley. The average cost for a first time D.U.I arrest is approximately $10000. This does not include costs if there are injuries or worse a loss of life.
During the month of December, the Los Angeles police Department has conducted 16 DUI Checkpoints throughout our City and many other DUI checkpoints have been conducted in our neighboring communities. One of these DUI checkpoints will be conducted on the 31st with the goal of detecting and arresting drunk drivers. Our aim is to reduce injuries and save lives!
This New Year’s Eve and throughout the year:
1. Dial 911 if you see a suspected drunk driver on the road.
2. Don’t drink and drive yourself.
3. Take advantage of the MTA or AAA DUI prevention programs.
4. Call a Taxi
5. Have a designated driver.
6. Don’t let the LAPD be your designated driver!
7. Don’t welcome the New Year in jail!
If you are going to include consuming alcoholic beverages during your New Year’s Eve celebration, please don’t forget to plan a safe way home.
Los Angeles Police Department wants everyone to Celebrate this New Year’s evening responsibly. We wish you good Health and for you and for your family to have a safe 2012.
CONTACT: DIII William Bustos (818) 644-8021
LAPD - Valley Traffic Division
7870 Nollan Pl
Los Angeles, CA 91402
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 818-644-8000
Nollan Pl
Los Angeles, CA 91402