- Thursday December 15th, 2011 :: 08:49 p.m. PST
(So Cal Edison News Release) With High Winds in Forecast, Reminder to Never Approach or Touch a Downed Power Line

Southern California Edison News Release:
With High Winds in Forecast, Southern California Edison Reminds Customersto Never Approach or Touch a Downed Power Line
ROSEMEAD, Calif., Dec. 15, 2011 — With high winds forecast through Saturday in many areas, Southern California Edison (SCE) reminds its customers outages may occur – and to never approach or touch downed power lines.
If you see a downed line or dangling wire — even if it appears not to be live — don’t touch or approach it and call 911 immediately.
SCE is reaching out to local elected officials and community leaders to establish clear channels of communication. The most up-to-date information will be shared with the community throughout the storm.
SCE also will provide the latest information about outages at
and on Twitter at
www.Twitter.com/SoCalEdison @SoCalEdison
The National Weather Service is forecasting strong winds in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties through Saturday, including in the mountains,
passes and canyons.
Customer safety is a top priority for SCE. Here are important tips to keep in mind:
• Watch for traffic signals that may be out. Approach those intersections as four-way stops.
• Make sure you have a battery-operated radio and flashlights. Check the batteries to make sure they are fresh. Use flashlights for lighting during a power outage; do not use candles because
they may pose a significant fire hazard.
• Do not use any equipment inside that is designed for outdoor heating or outdoor cooking. Such equipment can emit carbon monoxide and other toxic gases.
• If you use a generator, place it outdoors and plug individual appliances directly into the generator, using a heavy-duty extension cord. Connecting generators directly to household circuits creates “backfeed,” which is dangerous to repair crews.
• Leave the doors of your refrigerator and freezer closed to keep your food as fresh as possible. Place blocks of ice inside to help keep food cold. Check food carefully for signs of spoilage.
• Check on your neighbors to make sure everyone is safe.
A video and fact sheet about power line safety is available at: www.sce.com/powerlines. The information is available in Spanish at: www.sce.com/cables.
About Southern California Edison
An Edison International (NYSE:EIX) company, Southern California Edison is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, serving a population of nearly 14 million via 4.9 million customer accounts in a
50,000-square-mile service area within Central, Coastal and Southern California.
So Cal Edison News Release
Southern California Edison
Media Relations, (626) 302-2255
NOTE: The above is not a News Release from the LASD. The LASD is forwarding them to you to assist in providing information that may be important to you, your family, and friends.
From the Emergency Operations Bureau – LASD:
Special TEXT and EMAIL alerts from the LASD EMERGENCY OPERATIONS BUREAU has been created to share ongoing information about damage and assistance regarding wind storms, wild land fires, floods, earthquakes, and more.
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See prior messages by LASD - EOB:
The Emergency Operations Bureau (EOB) of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is the primary resource for coordinating the Department's response to complex emergencies and disasters. LASD EOB works closely with county, city, state, and federal agencies and well as community resources to serve the needs of the public.
Captain Mike Parker
Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau – Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
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