Signal Hill, CA - Exercise Right...Of Way
Bicycle and Pedestrian Traffic Safety Campaign 
Signal Hill Police Department
09-12-11 Sgt. Chris Nunley
[email protected]
Exercise Right… Of Way
The Signal Hill Police Department is announcing the launch of a new traffic safety campaign aimed at promoting pedestrian and bicycle safety on local roadways. According to Signal Hill Police Chief Michael Langston, the “Exercise Right...Of Way” campaign is a proactive response to improve traffic safety and avoid a tragedy. Mayor Larry Forester said, “We have wonderful park and trail facilities in Signal Hill that draw large numbers of pedestrians, runners and bicyclists that are utilizing the hilltop area of Signal Hill for exercise. Our goal is to ensure that everyone is safe.”
The Police Department has received a significant amount of complaints from residents and businesses related to large groups of people jogging or hiking in the roadway and blocking the flow of traffic. “Unfortunately some people forget that the roadways are primarily for vehicle traffic and walk or run four deep across lanes of traffic. In addition to that, we have seen an increase in bicyclists not following the rules of the road. Cyclists are required to follow the rules of the road just as if they were driving a vehicle, specifically with regard to stop signs,” Said Sergeant Chris Nunley, the department’s Traffic Bureau Supervisor.
“The “Exercise Right…Of Way” campaign is a multi phased approach to reduce these risks and ensure that our roadways are safe for everyone. Our outreach efforts will include meeting with local fitness centers, high school athletic teams, and direct interaction with the public utilizing the hilltop areas. Our volunteers will be handing out traffic safety pamphlets and we will be utilizing various means to reach the public including electronic messaging signs on the hilltop and public access television. While the campaign will eventually culminate with an enforcement stage, our primary goal here is to avoid a tragedy by educating as many people as possible and gaining compliance,” said Chief Langston.
The Signal Hill Police Department would like to remind motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists of the following safety tips:
• Obey all traffic laws, including stopping at red lights and stop signs and yielding to pedestrians.
• Ride with motor vehicle traffic, on the right side of the road.
• Maintain a straight line; ride predictably; and avoid swerving between parked cars.
• Use hand signals to indicate stops, turns, and changes of direction to motorists and pedestrians.
• Allow faster traffic to pass when it’s safe; avoid needlessly blocking the road.
• Pay attention to parked cars. Drivers may pull out in front of you or open a door in your path.
• As you approach intersections, be aware of cars behind, beside, and in front of you who may try to cross your path. “Left crosses” are the most frequent motorist-caused bike crashes; “right hooks” rank second.
• When riding with others, ride single file to allow motorists to overtake you safely.
• Wear a bicycle helmet. (California law requires helmet use for riders under age 18.)
• When riding at dusk or after dark, use appropriate lights and reflective gear, both to make yourself conspicuous and to see better.
• Walk on the sidewalk; when a sidewalk is unavailable, walk on the left-hand side of the road, facing traffic.
• Obey traffic signals. When crossing the street at a traffic signal, walk only with a green light, allowing yourself enough time to cross the street before the light turns red.
• Keep moving. Walk as quickly as is safely possible to the other side of the street. Never stop in the middle of the crosswalk.
• Make yourself visible in low-light conditions and at night—wear light-colored clothing or athletic clothing with reflective patches, and carry a flashlight.
• Before you cross a street, allow enough room for oncoming traffic to stop safely. “Pedestrians have the right-of-way” is not a license to cross a street wherever or whenever you want.
• Slow down when encountering bicyclists or pedestrians.
• Yield to pedestrians at intersections—whether or not there is a marked crosswalk.
• Give bicyclists extra room—three feet if possible—when passing them on the roadway. Otherwise, stay behind them until it’s safe to pass.
• Allow bicyclists the appropriate right-of-way; for example, at a four-way stop or when they are turning left.
• When making a left turn, be aware of the possible presence and speed of oncoming cyclists.
• When parked on the side of a street, look for passing bicyclists before opening your car door.
• Watch for cyclists and pedestrians before exiting a parking space or driveway.
• Avoid using your car’s horn near bicyclists or pedestrians.
• Don’t expect child cyclists and pedestrians to know traffic laws or to behave predictably.
Signal Hill Police Department
2745 Walnut Ave
Signal Hill, CA 90755
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 562-989-7200
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