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SBSD - Chino Hills Police Department
Tuesday March 4th, 2025 :: 02:13 p.m. PST


Hidden Camera Found on Residential Property; Investigation Ongoing to Identify Suspects

DATE/TIME: March 2, 2025 / 4:23 PM

INCIDENT: Concealed camera found in residential neighborhood

LOCATION: 15700 block of Canon Lane, Chino Hills

SUSPECT(S): Unknown

VICTIM(S): Confidential 

SUMMARY: On Sunday, March 2, 2025, deputies responded to a residence in the 15700 block of Canon Lane after a resident discovered a portable power supply device in his driveway.

A deputy searched the area around the home and discovered a concealed camera in a bush near the house. The camera was camouflaged as a plant and was connected to a power supply device. The device was taken for evidence. Deputies are investigating to identify the person(s) responsible for the camera installation. 

The discovery of the camera is consistent with a growing trend observed by law enforcement agencies throughout Southern California. While the specific motivations for this camera's installation remain unknown, it is believed to be used to surveil homes and establish a pattern of resident activity to plan burglaries. 

Chino Hills residents are encouraged to report suspicious activity immediately. If a similar device is found, do not touch it and contact the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department for assistance. 

Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to contact the Chino Hills Police Department at (909) 364-2000. Callers wishing to remain anonymous may contact the We-Tip Hotline at 1-800-78CRIME (27463), or leave information on the We-Tip website at

Refer: Deputy Mateusz Nosek or Sergeant Bryan Sprague

Station: Chino Hills Station

Phone No. (909) 364-2000

Case No. 222500646

SHANNON D. DICUS, Sheriff-Coroner
San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department

SBSD - Chino Hills Police Department
14077 Peyton Dr
Chino Hills, CA 91709

Emergency: 9-1-1

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