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SBSD - Morongo Basin Sheriff's Department
Friday January 10th, 2025 :: 03:44 p.m. PST


Deputies in Morongo Locate Truck with $18,000 Worth of Stolen Merchandise and Arrest Two Suspects

DATE/TIME: January 10, 2025 / 12:14 a.m.

INCIDENT: Train Burglary  

LOCATION: Amboy and National Trails Highway, Amboy California

SUSPECT(S): Jose Villalobos-Infante, 45-year-old resident of Phoenix, AZ 
Oscar Sosa, 28-year-old resident of Apple Valley 

VICTIM(S): BNSF Railway 

SUMMARY: On Friday, January 10, 2025, at approximately 12:14 a.m., Morongo Basin Sheriff's Station was contacted by BNSF Police, who advised that a train in the area of Amboy and National Trails Highway was being burglarized by multiple suspects, a crime frequently organized and committed by criminal groups. Due to the remote location, BNSF Police had an extended response time and requested the Sheriff's Department's assistance.

While Deputies were en route, an unmarked box truck was observed traveling west on Amboy Road near Bristol Avenue in sn unincorporated area of the Morongo Basin.  Deputies conducted a traffic enforcement stop on the vehicle and, through investigation, located approximately $18,000 in stolen items inside the truck. The items were confirmed to be property stolen from the train burglary.

Jose Villalobos-Infante and Oscar Sosa occupied the box truck and were arrested for Penal Code 459 - Burglary, and booked into the Morongo Basin Jail with bail amounts set at $100,000.  The San Bernardino Sheriff's Department is conducting this investigation jointly with BNSF Police.  

Anyone with information regarding this investigation is urged to contact the Morongo Basin Station at (760)-366-4175. Callers wishing to remain anonymous are urged to call the We-Tip Hotline at 1-800-78-CRIME(27463) or leave information at   


Refer: Deputy Alexander Stumbo 

Station: Morongo Basin Station

Phone No. (760) 366-4175 

Case No. 092500041

SHANNON D. DICUS, Sheriff-Coroner
San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department

SBSD - Morongo Basin Sheriff's Department
63665 Twentynine Palms Highway
Joshua Tree, CA 92252

Emergency: 9-1-1

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