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Washington DC

1100 Ohio Dr SW
Washington, DC 20242

Emergency: 9-1-1

  1. Advisory

    Entered: 4 years, 4 months ago

    Please Disregard the last message it was sent in error . Thank you . More »

  2. Advisory

    Entered: 4 years, 4 months ago

    West Distrct Patrol cover tonight 0200-0600. Contact 302 (202) 438-6677 More »

  3. Community

    Entered: 9 years, 4 months ago

    USPP is Hiring More »

  4. Advisory

    Entered: 9 years, 4 months ago

    The event has concluded. Please take all of your belongings with you. Need a metro? Visit

  5. Advisory

    Entered: 9 years, 4 months ago

    Enjoy your visit to our Nation's Capitol! Please remember - If You See Something, Say Something: Nixle users Reply with TIP

  6. Advisory

    Entered: 9 years, 4 months ago

    Be careful on the roads out there. To let us know about an issue on the road or in a park Reply with TIP or call 202-610-7505

  7. Alert

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Lookout for missing child Kahlia is cancelled. Child has been reunited with parents. More »

  8. Advisory

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Correction to Mall Metro Opening - only the 12th and Independence Ave side of the Smithsonian Metro is open - the Mall side remains closed

  9. Advisory

    Entered: 12 years ago

    The Smithsonian Metro Station on the Mall (12th and Jefferson) will be opening for boarding of trains only - no exit from trains to Mall

  10. Alert

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Kahlia last seen in area of 7th St and Jefferson Dr. If located or observed, please notify a nearby police officer or call 202 610 7500

  11. Alert

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Missing child with disability from the Mall - Kahlia, black female, 11 years old, 5-5, 100 lbs, wearing all beige with a red armband.

  12. Advisory

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Metro Transit advises delays toward Vienna/Fraconia due to a disable train outside Rosslyn More »

  13. Alert

    Entered: 12 years ago

    If missing child is located or observed, please notify a nearby police officer or call 202 610 7500 More »

  14. Alert

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Missing child - Nickolas Barner, white male, 14 years old, black jacket, black vest, brown hat, jeans, white shoes More »

  15. Advisory

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Metro Transit advises heavy crowds at all Metro stations near mall - requests people choose stations to avoid having to transfer trains

  16. Advisory

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Metro Transit advises L'Enfant Plaza (7th and MD Ave) experiencing heavy crowds and suggests using other entrances or delaying return

  17. Alert

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Missing child Beeance Lawson has been located! More »

  18. Alert

    Entered: 12 years ago

    If missing child is located or observed, please notify a nearby police officer or call 202 610 7500 More »

  19. Alert

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Missing child - Beeance Lawson, black, female, 8 yrs old, grey hat black jacket, last seen area of National Mall near Air and Space Museum

  20. Advisory

    Entered: 12 years ago

    Metro Transit reports Red Line service delayed in Glenmont area - delays approximately 10 minutes at this time. More »

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