- Thursday May 19th, 2016 :: 06:41 p.m. PDT

Sheriff Jim McDonnell along with Assistant Sheriff Todd Rogers hosted the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) Life Saving Award Ceremony.
On Thursday, May 19, 2016, thirty-one department members were publicly recognized by Sheriff McDonnell for their courageous engagements. The Sheriff’s Lifesaving Award is presented to deputy sheriff’s, as well as reserve deputies, whose actions resulted in the saving or preservation of a human life, which would have been lost but for the brave intervention of deputy personnel.
In a special segment of the ceremony, Sheriff McDonnell awarded the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Star Scroll to personnel from the Los Angeles County Fire Department, and the United States Coast Guard, for their collaborative efforts with the LASD in saving the life of a scuba diver.
The recipients of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Life Saving Award:
Deputy Kyle A. Andersen
Deputy Douglas J. Ort
Deputy Hector H. Estrella-Soto
Deputy Victor H. Pelayo-Osorio
Deputy Myron L. Trimble
Deputy Clarissa J. Torres
Deputy Cesar Ochoa
Deputy Herman M. Arevalo
Deputy Ginger T. Matson
Deputy Adriana Rojas
Deputy Anthony M. Ledesma
Deputy Lai Pong (Eric) Tung
Deputy Maria N. Urena
Deputy Erik Nava
Deputy Robert C. Hawkins
Deputy Jason A. Viger
Deputy Naomi M. Cabrera
Deputy Kelly J. Phillips
Deputy David A. Nisenoff
Deputy Roberto Solorio Jr.
Deputy Elijah J. Goffigan
Deputy Erik M. Riddle
Deputy Joseph L. Nunez
Deputy Richard P. Faulk
Deputy Kenneth A. Cianciosi
Deputy Jeffrey B. Johnson
Deputy George A. Perez
Deputy Matthew L. Burnett
Deputy Christine M. Shaffer
Deputy Charles W. Weathers
Deputy David L. Johnson
Deputy Thomas J. Lynch
Deputy Ronald C. Nohles
Los Angeles County Fire Department
Captain Erik Nelson
Lifeguard Thomas Doman Jr.
Lifeguard Colby Trivette
Lifeguard William Wilson
United States Coast Guard
Lieutenant Commander Bryan Coffman
Co-Pilot Lieutenant Joseph Heal
Avionics Mechanic Olpaka Helepoloei
Avionics Survival Technician Richard Hoefle
Written by: Patty Umana, OAIII
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Jim McDonnell, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
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