- Thursday May 12th, 2016 :: 01:20 p.m. PDT
*Media Availability* 4pm, At Palmdale Sta, Dep’s And Good Samaritan Rescue Man From Burning Car 
When: Wednesday, May 12, 2016 at 4:00 PM
Where: Palmdale Station
750 East Avenue Q, Palmdale
(661) 272-2400
Who: Rescue Deputies and Good Samaritan
At 1:15 AM this morning, Palmdale Sheriff’s Station received a 911 call advising of a vehicle collision at 20th Street East and Avenue R-8. Deputy Jonathan Schnereger arrived first at the scene and found a black 2003, 4- door Mercedes Benz CLK-500 collided into the block wall of a residence.
The deputy hurried to the vehicle and found the driver, a 28-year-old man and resident of Palmdale, was unconscious. The male passenger a 36-year-old Palmdale resident was awake and responsive, so Deputy Schnereger told him to remain seated until fire department personnel arrived to treat him.
Within moments, smoke began to seep out from under the wheel well of the car and broke into flames. The passenger climbed out of the car, but the driver, who was still unconscious, remained in the car, in extreme danger.
Deputy Schnereger recognized the urgency and tried desperately to open the driver's side door, but the door did not budge so he requested immediate assistance over his radio.
Deputies Jeremy Carlisle and Zack Marshall arrived within seconds but were also unable to open the door. The interior was fully aflame and the unconscious driver was in imminent danger.
The magnitude of the situation drew the attention of concerned neighbor, David Perez, who came to the scene to help. Without a second’s hesitation or concern for their own safety, Deputies Carlisle and Marshall, and Mr. Perez worked together to save a man in need. They reached through the shattered driver's window and tried to pull the driver out, but his feet and legs were trapped under the dashboard. Deputy Carlisle plunged his upper body into the smoking cab area to loosen the limbs, then he and Deputy Marshall plucked the man out.
To illustrate the intensity of heat from the fire, one could see after it was extinguished that the interior was considerably charred and melted.
The driver was saved and transported to a local hospital for treatment. He is in serious but stable condition.
The deputies were uninjured.
The circumstances surrounding the collision are being investigated by Palmdale Sheriff’s Station Traffic Investigation Unit personnel.
If you have information about this incident, please contact the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station at 661-272-2400. If you prefer to provide information anonymously, you may call "Crime Stoppers" by dialing (800) 222-TIPS (8477), or texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org.
Written by:
Brian Dunn, Lieutenant
Palmdale Sheriff’s Station
750 East Avenue Q
Palmdale, Ca. 93550
(661) 272-2400
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Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
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