Police Ask for Public to Help ID Serial Robber
Police Ask for Public to Help ID Serial Robber 
The San Leandro Police are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a serial robber, who has robbed several convenience stores and gas stations in the past week.
Beginning Monday, December 21st at 5:25am, the suspect, who police describe as possibly a Hispanic or Asian male in his 20s to 30s, has committed 5 armed robberies in San Leandro. He is approximately 5'9" tall, with a stalky build.
Originally, the suspect was only robbing 7-Eleven stores between 3:30-5:30am. However, this morning, at 7:35am, he robbed a San Leandro Valero Gas Station, followed by a dry cleaning business in the 1200 block of Davis Street 20 minutes later.
San Leandro police detectives have been working with other law enforcement agencies in the Bay Area to determine if the suspect is responsible for any other robberies. They have learned that he is also responsible for robbing a 7-Eleven in unincorporated San Leandro, and a Valero Gas Station in Walnut Creek.
In each case, the suspect wears a plain, black, hooded sweatshirt with the hood on, some type of ski mask or bandanna, covering his face, and jeans. Surveillance videos have shown the suspect armed with a high-caliber, semi-automatic handgun, which police believe to be real.
“The frequency of robberies has increased, leading us to believe that he is desperate for the cash,” said Lt. Robert McManus. “Unfortunately, he is armed with a firearm and our fear is that he may become violent. It is critical that we get him identified and into custody as soon as possible,” he said.
In many of the cases, the suspect enters the store where a lone clerk is working inside. He immediately points the pistol at them and forces them to open the cash drawer. He has ordered the clerk to lie on the floor, and in surveillance video, he has been seen tactically crouching down behind counters, hiding from the public view
Police are warning customers to be aware of their surroundings, especially when entering convenience stores at night and during early morning hours. Police recommend that if you cannot see the clerk inside, not to go in. Instead, if you think there’s something suspicious, call 911 immediately.
Please contact the San Leandro Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Division with any information regarding this case or any other case at (510) 577-3230.
Information may also be submitted anonymously by:
• Phone: Anonymous Crime Tips at (510) 577-3278
• Text Message: Text “TipSLPolice” to 888777
For crime prevention tips please go to the Police Department’s website at or contact our Crime Prevention Unit at 510-577-3228.
Citizens play a critical role in creating a safe environment by observing and reporting any suspicious and criminal activity to the Police. The San Leandro Police Department recommends that citizens do not participate in any direct verbal or physical involvement with suspicious persons or those who are committing crimes. The personal safety of the community is paramount. We encourage the San Leandro community to record the details of what they observe and to report those details to the Police. This type of community involvement and partnership has proven to be a very effective crime prevention tool. Citizens act as the eyes and ears of the community first, and the extended eyes and ears of the San Leandro Police Department. Thank you for being a force multiplier in our efforts to provide professional police services and safety to the community.
DATE / TIME OF RELEASE: 12/31/15 – 12:00pm
INCIDENTS: Serial Robber – 7 Elevens and Valero Gas Stations
TELEPHONE: (510) 577-3232
EMAIL: [email protected]
DATE / TIME OF INCIDENT: 12/21-31/15
SUSPECT(S): See summary
San Leandro Police Department
901 E 14th St
San Leandro, CA 94577
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 510-577-2740
TEXT-A-TIP - Text TIP SLPOLICE followed by your message, to 888777