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City of Montebello
Monday July 27th, 2015 :: 08:35 a.m. PDT


TOWN HALL MEETING: Firearms safety in the home. August 9th 10:00am

The Montebello Police Department in conjunction with Project Child Safe is hosting a town hall meeting focusing on safe storage of firearms in the home on August 9, 2015 at 10;00am.

Officers will discuss relevant firearms safety in the home. Free firearms locks will be provided thanks to Project Child Safe.

The meeting will be held a the Senior Center located at 115 S. Taylor Ave. at the Montebello City Park.

Bring your children, activities for the children will be provided and facilitated by McGruff the Crime Dog.

City of Montebello
1600 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 323-887-1313

Cpl. Brion Gorrell
[email protected]

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115 South Taylor Avenue
Montebello, CA 90640

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