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Oakland Police Department CA
Thursday November 21st, 2013 :: 10:24 a.m. PST


OPD's Ms. Maryann Mitchell 23rd Year of Turkey Basket Give Away

For the last 23 years, Ms. Maryann Mitchell of the Oakland Police
Department’s Identification Section has been giving to Oakland Families who are less fortunate and in need during the holidays.

Ms. Mitchell along with her family and volunteers from the Evangelistic Outreach Association prepares bags of food that include a turkey.

Safeway, for the past eight years, has generously donated 100 turkeys to the program each year. But Ms. Mitchell needs 40 more turkeys to feed all the families.
Ms. Mitchell said “this is just one way for members of the department to give back to the community and especially those who are in need during this time of year.”
During the year names of recipients are submitted by department personnel to Ms. Mitchell for her turkey basket give away program. Ms. Mitchell relies on donations from police officers and employees of the Oakland Police Department to keep the program going.

To donate, contact Ms. Mitchell at the Oakland Police Department Identification Section at (510) 238-2189 or Evangelistic Outreach Association (510) 533-5476.

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Oakland Police Department CA
Oakland, CA 94607

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